Submit to the Outdoor Learning Blog

Content for this blog will be provided by the Coordinators, but it is primarily a way for the Lab Community to share with each other what we discover in the Outdoor Spaces with our students.

Email photos to Jeff Maharry with a short description or submit your own post detailing the work that you and your students are undertaking.  

We are especially interested in the creative ways that you incorporate outdoor learning opportunities into your student's lives. 

Possible Activities to document:

Morning meetings
Poetry reading
Writer’s notebook
Independent ready,
Read alouds
Puppet plays
Silent walk through
Sensory Tours
Scientific Study

1 comment:

  1. The Outdoor Classroom hosted students from Nursery School through High School! Highlights:
    11th and 12th graders had the objective of exploring patterns, periodic functions, waves. Students explored the space and found patterns. They also took time to draw periodic functions.

    5th grade science (3 classes) students documented details of the space with words and objective evidence, they noted scale, focused on the area along creek and SW walls

    N4 and 2nd Grade buddies noticed that "when you tap on a rock the tadpoles come out." Other sightings: snails,crickets, grasshoppers, bugs with wings.

    Bloom and Mitzenbacher (5th grade) had the objective of learning what it means to be both "outdoors" and "in a classroom"; What can we learn from our surroundings; and they had a notebook exercise that asked the students to "think like a scientist and think like an artist."

    Mandel and Dodd's classroom shared the space to work on the concept of becoming friends with new people and places. Together the classrooms explored conservation ideas of placement, movement, and emptiness by sending leaves down the stream from the waterfall to the lower pond.

    Sylvie and Jeff added buckets of mud from Wooded Island lagoon (south) and other areas resulting in the addition of new life to our pond.


Note: Only a member of this blog may post a comment.

Spring Visitors -

One of our Lab Families decided to check out the Outdoor Classroom this morning.